Business Clarity Accelerator
Is this program the right fit for you? Ponder the following…
Do you desire to clearly identify your true passions and determine which has the greatest profitability potential?
Do want to learn how to transform that passion into a business?
Have you been seeking reliable, actionable direction on how to successfully achieve the goals you’ve set for yourself?
Do you want a customized, step-by-step plan to achieve your most important goal?
Do you occasionally doubt your ability to effectively execute or struggle with the “how” of it all?
If you answered “yes” to one or all of the above, the Business Clarity Accelerator is for you.
GAIN clarity on how to activate your strengths and passions
EXPLORE your journey, thus far, and design your “journey-forward-plan”
DISCOVER and implement success tactics tailored to you
FORESEE obstacles and draft an “overcomer’s strategic plan”
LEARN strategies to more effectively monetize your services and products
EMBARK upon thoughtful and harmonious exercises, both individually and as a group
A total value of $8,700 PLUS…
Two (2) 15-minute Pick Tip’s Brain sessions ($295 value)
Quick questions require quick answers! Meet with Tip to pick her brain and get your most critical and personal queries addressed.
The Commitment: Participants are expected to attend two, 2-hour virtual sessions each month for three months.
The Selection: Only 7 participants will be selected for each cohort. This ensures a powerful, impactful and engaging coaching environment where personal attention and feedback is effectively achieved.
The Investment: $4,260. More than half of the program price of $8,995 is underwritten by Tip Jones Global.
To be considered, please request an invitation to the next cohort by completing the form below.
A little, extra proof never hurts…
“Tip assisted me with, not only identifying my passion (which was unbeknown to me) and my strengths, but she also provided a full scope of how to put my passion to work and profit from it.”
“I, now, believe and embrace my ability to lead an organization bigger than myself. Working with Tip, I improved my delegation skills, became more organized and am more inclined to ask for help.”
“(She provided) actionable and measurable activities to get me to what I said I wanted - my ‘stated goals’ - with simple, realistic reinforcements plus a kick in the behind.”